Monday, January 9, 2012


Well, I'm back! After a two and a half week hiatus. My apologies for my slacking on the updating of this blog. But I have good excuses. It's been a busy holiday vacation, but more about that later…

Today, I turn 23. How did this happen?

I remember when I turned 20 - it seemed like my world was caving in. I think I had a minor break down. I despised turning 20. Never would I be a teenager again - I had to grow up.

Now, I'm 23. And I'm not really sure how I feel about it. As I'm writing this, I don't feel any different then I did yesterday, or the day before that, or a week ago. There have been some big changes in my life through age 22. I graduated university, I'm going back to university to further my education, my Grandad passed away, and I got a tattoo. I've met some amazing new people, and further developed my relationships with some of the greatest friends I have. I took the next step into "adulthood" and am living in my first house. Mind you, I'm renting from the university and I can't really renovate to make the house my own - but I think my roommates and I have done a pretty fantastic job making this house a home.

A part of me would like to take this blog post and write down some goals for my 23rd year. But, I hesitate doing this - because I don't want to let myself down. So, all I'll say is this. May my 23rd year bring happiness, adventure, hope, joy, and love.

A picture from my "dreaded" 20th birthday. Despite my horrible attitude towards entering my 20's, my friends made it one of my most memorable birthdays to date. Thanks friends <3

1 comment:

  1. I have 3 things to say:

    1. We have definitely done a fantastic job turning our house into a home!
    2. You linked to my post! I'm assuming that means you liked it :) Thank you!

    And, of course, 3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PRETTY LADY!
